Thursday, August 9, 2012
Back to school!
Metro schools have already gone back to school. The teachers had to come back July 27 and the students came back Aug. 1. I have been crazy busy setting up my room this year. All of the tiles in my room were removed due to asbestos, so my entire room had to be packed up as if I were moving rooms. As well as new tiles, my room was re-painted. They matched to colors of my room, and did a much better job than I did last summer, probably because I am so short that even standing on the ladder, I had to use a paintbrush taped to the end of the broom handle (lol!). Anyways, I just realized that I forgot to take pictures of my room until today.the black and blue quote board is in the hallway, and the inspiration comes from Painted Paper's blog. The other bulletin boards are in my room. One of the boards has my "kid friendly" standards on it. These are the TN standards re-written in language that the students understand. Our new teacher evaluation requires that we post the standards and objectives in the room, and this is how I have chosen to display them. The large monster was a gift from my friend Ted (Mr. E) last year. My students have named her big Bertha, and she sits on top of the student storage area, reminding everyone to put their names on their paper.