Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Any Questions, Needs?

I plan on putting lots of lesson ideas on this blog, but if you need an idea or lesson plan quick, please feel free to leave me a comment, asking for what you need, and I will answer right away. I am starting my 11th year of teaching, so even if I am not teaching that lesson right now, I am sure that I have taught it in the past and will teach it again soon. I always keep all of my teacher examples, so I can post those pictures as needed.


  1. I want someone to do all my lesson plans for I don't have to. Can you help???? :) ha ha Everything looks great Janet!!! GOOD JOB!! Love the color wheel.

  2. I will start my first day on tuesday with kindergarteners....any suggestions for a fun, inexpensive art project?

    What i planned so far... a cut out flower, they will color pieces that we will glue onto a wooden skewer and they can take home and put into a plant.

    Hands of freindship...trace their hand, write their name on it (with my help) and put into groups of four hands on bullentin board.

    Any suggestions will be MUCH appreciated! thanks.....
