Thursday, April 22, 2010

What I've been doing...

So, for the last year or so, I have not been posting very frequently. The reason for this is that I am currently working on my masters through the University of Idaho online MAT program. I will finally graduate in May, but as a requirement of the program, I was required to have a show of the artwork that I have created over the last 5 semesters. My friend Ted and I had a combined art show on April 15th. Here are a few pictures of the show and my artwork. I have really enjoyed going back to school, but I am also glad that the end is in sight.


  1. Your artwork is very striking and looks great hanging together. I like:)

  2. love your artwork
    beautiful work

  3. These are absolutely beautiful, it looks like they're made of little glass beads???? I especially love the 4 vertical rectangles w/ medallions and "black" beads! Gorgeous.

  4. They are in fact made of glass beads, specifically glass seed beads. The black outline of the medallion is also made of black glass seed beads as well. Thank you for the kind comments!
