Friday, September 10, 2010

More bulletin boards and other displays...

I promised more pictures of my bulletin boards, and here they are. I have 2 large marker boards in my room, and one of them is not in a convenient location, so I have turned it into a "bulletin" board by covering it with fabric. I have split it into 2 sections, one of which is my no-no board and the other side I have designated as the elements of art and principles of design board. The way that I explain the elements and principles to my students is by equating the elements to ingredients, and the principles as the recipe to turn those ingredients into great art.

The no-no board is where I post the "easy" things that I do not want my children to do in their artwork. I want them to be challenged, and not take the easy way out, but to really observe things around them. The specific things listed on my board are as follows:
  • The sun does not smile
  • Mountains are not triangles
  • No floating objects
  • No word bubbles
  • Clouds are not blue
  • No V or M birds
  • Sky not touching ground
  • No lollipop trees
  • No stick people
These are my classroom rules:
And thanks to my friend Ted, here are my "color bugs":


  1. Your room looks so cute! I wish we had some big bulletin boards I love to use your idea!
    Keep up the great work!

  2. Mrs. Picasso...Thanks! I had fun makin' the color bugs!!! :) Janet..the b-boards are GREAT! Good work!!!
