Thursday, March 10, 2011

It's been two months...

I know that I haven't been blogging lately, as my friend Ted has reminded me over and over (see Ted, I'm doing it, so back off :P) but there are a multitude of reasons, the biggest one is that I have had a student teacher since January. I have been very lucky that Tanya Cupp had been assigned to me, and while she has done some amazing lessons, I felt that I didn't want to "steal her thunder" and blog about her lessons. That being said, I do have one item about having a student teacher to share with you. If you don't know me, I am very mischievous (in a good way, that is!) I love to play harmless jokes on people, and many times I get the kids to help me pull one over on their teacher. In the past, I have gift wrapped a desk, taped a doorway, hung keys from the ceiling, and so on. All in the name of good fun, I will not play a joke on someone who will not be a good sport. Back in January, when Ms. Cupp and I were getting to know one another, the subject of gnomes came up, and she offhandedly remarked that gnomes creep her out. Well, I filed that little nugget of information away and waited for the best time to use this in a moment of mischievousness, which came on her last day at Lakeview. One of my best friends, Lori, has a four year old that is in the Pre-K program here, and with her permission, I borrowed him for a few minutes. With the help of scissors, construction paper, pipe cleaners and hot glue, I had a do-it-yourself gnome that was perfect for holding the little cake I had gotten to give to Ms. Cupp as a going away present. You should have seen the look on her face when she walked in the door!
I should also note here that I have gotten permission from my friend Lori to use her son's picture on my blog. This is a must if you are posting pictures of children on the internet.


  1. IT'S ABOUT TIME!!!!!!!!! :) Funny it. NOW POST ABOUT SOME ART WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ha ha
    ps..anyone that sees this comment..I am the Ted she's talking about! Janet is my little sister and I can pick on her if I want to!(and she'll hurt me later)

  2. Oh what a love ;-)
    Feels just like my btother-sister relationship!

  3. Ooops sorry for the mistake in my previous post. I'm typing with my 4 month old son on my lap and that isn't easy!
