Wednesday, April 13, 2011

One Point Perspective

So, a couple of posts ago, I explained how I like to look at other people's blogs to see what they are doing and "borrow" ideas to use in my classroom. I found a really cool picture at and commented that I was planning on teaching this lesson to my fourth graders. Well, my fourth graders LOVED it! They were very excited and it was a great way for them to relax before the big TCAP testing that is starting today in Metro. Here are a few pictures of the finished projects in the hallway, and a few close-ups of some exceptional ones.

We used markers for the base color (for example, in the ones above , they used marker for the blue and red), and then used colored pencils to shade in the edges.


  1. Great idea to turn it into a perspective lesson! I also love to find ideas on blogs, however by the time I complete them I usually forget where they came from. So nice of you to post the exact blog!

  2. these have turned out very well

  3. So happy to see they turned out beautifully! Thank you for crediting my blog - this was actually the first year I had tried teaching perspective and shading using this technique, and I, too, found it online somewhere a few years ago and printed out the example, but didn't jot down the place it came from. I have since seen the project on a number of blogs, so thanks to all of you wonderful teachers who share your best lessons for the benefit of students everywhere!
