In case you haven't seen the news lately, Nashville has been hit with a major flood. Some houses were completely submerged in the flood waters. Opryland Hotel and Opry Mills, both a large source of revenue for Nashville will be closed for 3-6 months. My school, Lakeview Design Center was very lucky, no flooding and only a few roof leaks here and there. Unfortunately, we have had some of our families and teachers that have lost homes or have other damage from the flood as well as lost jobs as their place of work was destroyed or damaged. My art classes are going to try to help out with the remaining time we have in school. We are going to be joining the efforts of, a website designed by Anne Ayers and Ellen McMillan, FL teachers who have created the concept of Haiti Houses ( in order to raise money for the Haiti disaster. Students create house pins out of mat board and sell them for $5 each. They have raised over $187,000 plus for Haiti. Anne and Ellen were contacted by Tina Atkinson, a fellow MNPS art teacher, and they graciously agreed to not only design a website for the Nashville flood, but also send 500 houses made by their students. My students will be creating house pins and selling them, with the goal of using the money to help out our families and teachers as well as other flood victims. Even if you are not located in the Nashville area, please consider joining in the effort. It's a great project to teach character, and community service. Check out the website for info on how to help.
I am glad I found your blog...keep sharing! I am also happy to share ideas and hope you check out my page!
please join our is so nice to have a community of good ideas. Thanks for the time you give to your followers! Enjoy!
We just started Volunteer Village houses! Our kids are very excited to help out!
Janet, I was curious how you apply the acrylic glaze to the houses and what brand you use?
Cheryl H
Perth Australia
I have used two brands of glaze. One is called Envirotex Lite and the other is Parks Super Glaze. I apply it using a popsicle stick to drizzle the glaze on, and to ensure that the glaze goes to the edge of the houses. There is a video on the site that shows a student applying the glaze in this fashion.
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